where am I now

vrijdag, juni 30, 2006


I finally bought an Israeli SIMcard.
so now you can reach me on : +972523150501.
If you want to call me from sunday till thursday it's better to cal me after 16.00h Belgian time.

donderdag, juni 29, 2006

work and shit problems

As I promised before I'll write a litle something about my work here.
Actually there isn't much to say about it.
the work sucks, I'm working in the carpentry for 9 hours a day, so I start at 7 and end work at 17h.
The good thing is that I don't have to work at fridays, so I have a 2 days weekend like back home.
But my god, It's so boring.
All I do is picking up wood that comes out of the machine and piling it up on a pallete: that's all I do all day long.
But if that isn't bad enough, there is no airconditioning in there, so it's sweating all day long.
I am also having diarhea for 4 days long now, not much fun.
today I went to work, but after an hour I started to get cramps again, I was so sick of it that I stoped work and went to the kibbutz clinic(something is should have done earlier I guess).
They told me to take som pills, have some rest and drink a lot of water.
So thats what I did.
It will propably seem like I'm not having much fun, but that's not the truth at all.
I'm having loads of fun here.
we do lots of things with all the volunteers together and that has been very great.
for example we went last tuesday to Kibbutz Geva( I stated it before as kubbutz Ein Gedi, that was wrong).
A mexican girl from that kibbutz was leaving, so they threw a goodbye party for here.
We planned to go back with the last bus, but since we were having such a great time we decided to stay and walk back home.
Eventually it turned out to be 3.30 when we got to bed. Not much sleep but it was surely worth it.
Gret news by the way: we ( all of the volunteers of Ein Harod and a few of Geva) are going to Jerusalem this Friday!
I'm so looking forward to finally see that famous city.
I'll let you know how the trip turned out after the weekend.
Please keep me updated about what is going on at home, because I hardly hear anything.

dinsdag, juni 27, 2006

what's going on

I really don't have much time, but because my family is being impatient I'll write a litle something down.
As I wrote last time there was a Reggea party fridaynight in the pub, and I had a blast.
Around six in the evening some volunteers from the nearby kibbutz Ein Gedi came by.
We Drank some cocktails an kinda started a pre-party, what a great atmosphere there was!
the latino's danced salsa, others where just drinking and laughing, we played "captain drunk"(I'll tell you later).
So you can imagine that by the time we went to the real party no one was totally sober anymore.
The party was very enjoyable too, the place was packed. I danced my ass of had some laughs with the other people and the Israelis etc.
I,ll keep it with that for today, because we have to leave, we're having a party in Ein Gedi.
I will try to update you all soon about my job and stuff.

vrijdag, juni 23, 2006

lazy day

I'm having a lazy day today.
I slept till 11 and did some wandering around while meeting people I know from last year.
In the dining hall I talked a bit with Nadav and he told me that Gregg, my roommate from last year, is coming back also in a few days. That was great news, I can't wait to meet up with him.
when i went to the zoo I talked a bit with Rafi, my former boss at the zoo, nothing really changed, he's still a very sweet man.
Oh yeah, I didn't tell about the big advantage about the small amount of volunteers: now everybody has his own room with 2 beds, so no more waking up because of the alarm clock of my roommate.
tonight there is a reggeaparty in the old pub, talking of a perfect timing to arrive here!
that's it for today.
do not be afraid to leave a comment y'all

donderdag, juni 22, 2006

I arrived

screw the english, I'm just going to write in dutch for now.

Ik ben vandaag rond 18 u toegekomen.
Daarjuist heb ik al mijn eerste baantje getrokken in het zwembad: zalig.
maar ik zal maar beginnen bij het begin.
gisteren ben ik rond 11 u vertrokken met de trein naar Brussel zuid.
Daar aangekomen heb ik behoorlijk vlot het locket van Air France gevonden, ondertussen kennis gemaakt met 4 West Vlaamse meisjes die ook met de thalys naar Ch. DeGaulle gingen, gezellig dus.
zij waren onderweg naar Mexico waar 2 van hen stage hadden gedaan.
Aangekomen in de luchthaven moest ik zo een goede 4 u wachten op mijn vliegtuig: behoorlijk saai als je alleen bent (de meisjes hadden bijna direct hun vlucht)
Het vliegtuig naar Tel Aviv was niet echt aangenaam te noemen: denk aan opgeplooid zitten, een klein jongetje dat je op alle mogelijke manieren aan het pesten is, geen sigaretten aan boord...
Maar goed, eenmaal aangekomen heb ik dan een taxi genomen naar een hostel in Tel Aviv, direct al een grote hap uit mijn budget.
In de hostel kreeg ik te horen dat er geen kamers meer vrij waren, maar dat ik wel op het dak kon slapen. Gezien de temperatuur (25 graden om 1u 's nachts) heb ik dit meteen toegezegd.
Het was echt fantastisch, slapen in de open lucht met uitzicht op de middelandse zee.
In de bar heb ik wat mensen leren kennen en we zijn toen nog even uitgeweest: echt dikke fun.
De volgende morgen ben ik rond 11u opgestaan, nog even zitten palaberen in de bar, en toen ben ik naar de kibbutz vertrokken.
Hier in de kibbutz was het even verschieten.
In plaats van de 25 volunteers zoals vorig jaar zijn we dit jaar maar met 9, maar niet getreurd, het ziet er een hele leuke groep uit en ze lieten mij direct heel welkom voelen.
Toen kreeg ik nog even slecht nieus te verwerken: in plaats van de gardening moet ik terug naar de carpentry, niet echt mijn favoriete job zoals de meesten wel zullen weten, maar ik zal er wel het beste van maken.
morgen moet ik nog niet gaan werken, dus zondag wordt de eerste werkdag.
nu eerst nog even acclimatiseren aan de warmte.