where am I now

woensdag, februari 27, 2008


Long time since I wrote anything on here, but there hasn't been anything interesting going on except saving money and planning my next trip.
I've been saying a few times how I wanted to go to Australia and now everything is arranged.
I'm leaving the 3th of May!
First I will stop over at Bangkok where I will stay for 3 days and then it's straight to Sydney.
I will propably stay in Australia for about one to two years, really looking forward to it.
But I decided to make a new blog about it.
In my new blog I will write mainly in dutch though, so for non dutch speakers it will be a lot harder to follow me in my aussie adventures.
who knows maybe I'll write something in english here once in a while.
anyway the url for my new blog is http://durexxx.blogspot.com
For now there isn't that much to see there yet, I'm mainly testing out some new features.

see you on the other side of the globe