where am I now

donderdag, augustus 03, 2006

Katousja's part 2

As promised I give you the rest.
So when I heard that about the 5 rockets hitting the region around Afula I felt kinda strange.
I would have thought I would be Afraid with this news, but I still am not.
I actually felt more excited than I was being scared.
You have to realise that the rockets are far from accurate, that's also why they hit so close to the kibbutz, and also, for example: yesterday they fired about 200 rockets to Israel, and only 6 people died which made that day to have almost the most casualties in one day.
So 6 kills for about 200 rockets is not a lot, which also means that the chanse of getting killed by a rocket is also very small.
Anyway, So nothing happened after that friday till yesterday.
Yesterday I was working at the dining hall when Nadav came telling me that they got a message which told the people in the kibbutz to go to a safe place because rockets where on the way to our regions.
I first felt like going to a safer place as suggested, but I noticed nobody was there.
Everybody was still in the dininghall working and eating their meals, they didn't really give a shit about the message. They were all like : they are really not going to hit us, the chanse is so small, so why should we bother?
This is like the best example of the difference in attitude between here and home, really weird.
Back home everybody would be running to the shelters like crazy.
anyway, so I went back to work too, I felt kinda stubid hiding by myself and they did have a point.
So that they I heard 2 explosions, not as loud as last friday, so further away.
In the evening I heard they hit both Bet Shean and Afula, those are the 2 cities where our kibbutz is situated right in the midle off.
When Efrat and Lotem( two Israeli girls we hang out with once in a while) came around they told me they where shopping in Afula when they saw 2 rockets flying over their heads and hitting 2 blocks from them. they just kept on shopping...
So that's about the most important update on the rocket attacks the latest days.
I'll try to write about My Tel Aviv trip( which was absolutely awesome by the way) as soon as I can.
Now I have to get ready because we are going to Efrat's birthday party somewhere about 20 minutes from here.
Shalom y'all

5 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

later schrijven over de tel aviv trip? moet ge de puzzelstukken nog bijeen gaan zoeken?
alle, voor de rest ist daar hopen fun, blijkbaar elke dag vuurwerk! israeli's zijn idd een groter party-volk.
enfin, damuzeleute en keep em up.

Anoniem zei

ps: lang leve de katrousjka's!!!
die komen wellicht allemaal uw richting uitgelopen wanneer het gevaar drijgt?

durexxx zei

hehe,die puzzelstukken had ik al bij mekaar gekregen, maar heb wel betere dingen te doen dan heel de tijd achter de pc te zitten e, da's nie echt waarom ik naar hier kwam.
Airco is hier kapot btw, dus aan pc zitten is niet echt een pretje.

Anoniem zei

buiten is t veel beter met diene airco waarschijnlijk :-)

Keep it going durexxx

durexxx zei

is toch ietske beter in de chill-out waar de airco wel werkt.
In het zwembad is het ook wel wa aangenamer.
En gij nu, NAH ;-)